{| class=“wikitable” cellspacing=“10”
! Partition Number ! Size ! Filesystem ! Mount point ! UUID ! Notes
The following physical partitions are used for LVM.
{| class=“wikitable” cellspacing=“10”
! Device ! PV UUID ! Size ! Volume Group ! Notes
Also see:
Install the following packages:
Configure the kernel and install the necessary packages as above, then build the kernel using: <source lang="bash"> genkernel --splash=natural_gentoo --splash-res=1280x1024 all </source>
Edit the grub config to contain the following kernel options: /boot/grub/grub.conf|<syntax lang="grub"> title Gentoo Linux 2.6.29 root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/kernel-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.29-gentoo root=/dev/ram0 real_root=/dev/mapper/badger-root ramdisk=8192 init=/linuxrc doscsi dolvm video=uvesafb:mtrr:3,ywrap,1280x1024@60 splash=verbose,fadein,theme:natural_gentoo console=tty1 initrd /boot/initramfs-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.29-gentoo </syntax>
Finally, add <tt>fbcondecor</tt> to the boot runlevel, and reboot <source lang="bash"> rc-update add fbcondecor boot </source>
Set the clock on boot, and keep it up to date against any drift: <source lang="bash"> rc-update add ntp-client default rc-update add ntpd default /etc/init.d/ntp-client start /etc/init.d/ntpd start </source>
Badger hosts central network logging. See Syslog for configuration.
See LDAP/Openldap. Configuration files are stored in subversion, under configs:/ldap/client/.
Edit <tt>/etc/postfix/main.cf</tt> to set the hostname. As this host is not a primary or backup MX, no other configuration is necessary.
Configuration is stored in subversion, under configs:/samba/client. Samba's LDAP password must be set to the same value stored in the directory and then the service can be started.
See Wireless. Configuration is stored in subversion, under configs:/wireless/badger/.
Add the vmware overlay, which contains packages for vmware-server 2.x. <source lang="bash"> layman -a vmware </source>
Then install the following packages
Run the <tt>vmware-config</tt> script to compile the proper modules and configure the networking. Set up the network as follows:
Install the following packages to be able to connect to pipes mapped to virtual serial ports:
Set up badger to host targets as in Server. Create one LVM partition for each virtual machine, and configure <tt>ietd.conf</tt> to share each of them.
Badger will not sleep properly under vista by default; it will always wake up within seconds of powering off. To fix this: