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Kigen is a useful tool that can generate initramfs with dropbear and LUKS support for remotely decrypting a root filesystem for a fully encrypted host. A few tweaks are needed to make this fully work under Sabayon.

I opted to keep the Sabayon kernels rather than building custom ones, but the initramfs will still need to be rebuilt for any kernel upgrades.


Install kigen from portage, or from your local community repository.


Building the initramfs



The kernel line in grub needs to be amended with the networking and dropbear instructions. Append the following to the defaults in <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt> or <tt>/etc/default-sabayon-grub</tt»


Update the initrd line as well if necessary.

Finally, reboot, and try SSHing into the host. Run the following command when prompted, to unlock the root filesystem and continue the boot process.

<code bash> - Replace /dev/sda4 below with the encrypted root partition ./ /dev/sda4 </code>

kigen.1416794994.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/24 02:09 by ben