Table of Contents


democratic-csi is a lightweight CSI provider using OpenZFS to store persistent data, and NFS to expose it to nomad jobs.

Nomad implementation


The CSI plugin is run as nomad jobs with:

The controllers are responsible for managing the volumes, and the nodes are responsible for mounting the volumes onto the nomad clients prior to starting a job which wishes to use them.

The job definitions, including the configurations live nomad-jobs/democratic-csi

Day to day tasks

Creating a volume

Nomad can't provision new volumes itself yet, they must be created manually. This requires csc. To install it, run:

GO111MODULE=off go get -u

To create a new 100MB volume named traefik-acme, run:

~/go/bin/csc -e tcp:// controller create-volume --req-bytes 104857600 traefik-acme
# "traefik-acme"  104857600       "node_attach_driver"="nfs"      "provisioner_driver"="zfs-generic-nfs"  "server"=""  "share"="/pool2/democratic/root/traefik-acme"

Registering the volume with Nomad

Create a hcl volume definition file with contents similar to:

id = "traefik-acme"
name = "traefik-acme"
type = "csi"
external_id = "traefik-acme"
plugin_id = "kowlan"
access_mode = "single-node-writer"
attachment_mode = "file-system"
mount_options {
    fs_type = "nfs"
    mount_flags = ["nolock"]
context {
    node_attach_driver = "nfs"
    provisioner_driver = "zfs-generic-nfs"
    server = ""
    share = "/pool2/democratic/root/traefik-acme"

Register this volume with nomad using:

nomad volume register vol-acme.json

Making changes to a volume definition

If it's necessary to make changes to the volume definition, it must be unregistered and reregistered with the new options:

nomad volume deregister traefik-acme
nomad volume register vol-acme.json

The volume must not be in use for it to be deregisterable. If a job failed, nomad might not properly record that the allocation is no longer using the volume, in which case it can be forceably deregistered with:

nomad volume deregister -force traefik-acme

Resizing a volume

csc is supposed to be able to resize a volume using:

~/go/bin/csc -e tcp:// controller expand-volume --req-bytes 209715200 traefik-acme

This segfaulted for me. However, all it's doing is calling zfs set refquota on the volume, and if this is done manually, it notices the change in size correctly.
