====== Badger ======
===== Overview =====
* Type: Virtual machine host
* Location: Bedroom 1
* Operating System: Gentoo Linux
* URL: https://badger.jellybean.sihnon.net
* Provides:
* Network services virtual machines
* Spec:
* Case: Antec Sonata II
* Mainboard: GA-P965-DS3
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (2.4GHz)
* Memory: 4Gb
* Disk:
* 200Gb PATA: System disk
* 2x 750GB SATA: LVM pool
* Network:
* 100Mbps Ethernet (public)
* 1Gpbs Ethernet (local)
* Peripherals
* Screen: Belinea 102035W 21" Widescreen TFT
* Keyboard: Logitech MX500 Bluetooth
* Remote: Cyberlink Media Centre IR Remote
* Dlink DWA-547 802.11n PCI wireless card
===== Filesystems =====
{| class="wikitable" cellspacing="10"
|+ /dev/sda (200Gb PATA)
! Partition Number
! Size
! Filesystem
! Mount point
! Notes
| /dev/sda1
| 128Mb
| ext2
| /boot
| 2572da94-bb4e-4460-af7b-a9e15d2b810e
| /dev/sda2
| 40Gb
| //none//
| -
| Empty partition to test Windows 7 with
| /dev/sda5
| ~148Gb
| lvm
| //none//
| -
| /dev/mapper/badger-swap
| 2Gb
| swap
| //none//
| 3c0c561b-da66-46ba-a79a-8c0cb4c443bb
| /dev/mapper/badger-root
| 60Gb
| ext3
| /
| de5a4aea-6fda-49f0-bdcd-d84ccc42e12e
| /dev/mapper/badger-var
| 20Gb
| ext3
| /var
| bbce9e4b-3f30-489f-8ae5-c13f9fddcb70
| /dev/mapper/badger-home
| 10Gb
| ext3
| /home
| ba468d77-5d1d-4c19-8c53-919b7b5316de
| /dev/mapper/pool-vms
| 100Gb
| ext3
| /mnt/vms
| 43d397db-b111-4cfa-8fef-7e221a2186c4
| /dev/mapper/pool-saffron
| 10Gb
| iscsi
| //none//
| iqn.2006-06.net.sihnon.jellybean.badger:pool.saffron
| /dev/mapper/pool-silverhold
| 10Gb
| iscsi
| //none//
| iqn.2006-06.net.sihnon.jellybean.badger:pool.silverhold
The following physical partitions are used for LVM.
{| class="wikitable" cellspacing="10"
|+ LVM physical volumes
! Device
! Size
! Volume Group
! Notes
| /dev/sda5
| gyzcOv-ct6N-21Hj-mvGR-UEbY-whFC-YP3tk5
| 148Gb
| badger
| /dev/sdb1
| pfkB7V-4MAW-ueRK-raqB-5bAt-LzO1-sjeH8I
| 698Gb
| pool
| /dev/sdc1
| oHFfvy-p35P-L1mi-Vwcq-dA3k-YJmx-gHRdit
| 698Gb
| pool
===== Installation =====
==== Kernel ====
==== Installed Software ====
Also see:
* [[Linux#Essential software packages]]
* [[Framebuffer]]
Install the following packages:
* {{Package|direct=yes|net-misc/openssh}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|net-misc/bridge-utils}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|net-firewall/iptables}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|net-analyzer/tcpdump}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|net-nds/openldap}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|sys-auth/nss_ldap}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|sys-auth/pam_ldap}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|net-fs/samba}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|net-misc/ntp}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|dev-db/mysql}} {{USEFlag|{{EnableFlag|minimal}}}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|dev-util/subversion}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|mail-mta/postfix}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|app-crypt/aespipe}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|sys-power/cpufrequtils}}
==== Framebuffer splash ====
Configure the kernel and install the necessary packages as above, then build the kernel using:
Edit the grub config to contain the following kernel options:
title Gentoo Linux 2.6.29
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/kernel-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.29-gentoo root=/dev/ram0 real_root=/dev/mapper/badger-root ramdisk=8192 init=/linuxrc doscsi dolvm video=uvesafb:mtrr:3,ywrap,1280x1024@60 splash=verbose,fadein,theme:natural_gentoo console=tty1
initrd /boot/initramfs-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.29-gentoo
Finally, add fbcondecor to the boot runlevel, and reboot
===== Configuration =====
==== NTP ====
Set the clock on boot, and keep it up to date against any drift:
==== Logging ====
Badger hosts central network logging. See [[Syslog]] for configuration.
==== LDAP ====
See [[LDAP/Openldap]]. Configuration files are stored in subversion, under [[https://dev.sihnon.net/svnpriv/configs/ldap/client|configs:/ldap/client/]].
==== Mail ====
Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf to set the hostname. As this host is not a primary or backup MX, no other configuration is necessary.
==== Samba ====
Configuration is stored in subversion, under [[https://dev.sihnon.net/svnpriv/configs/samba/client|configs:/samba/client]]. Samba's LDAP password must be set to the same value stored in the directory and then the service can be started.
==== Wireless ====
See [[Wireless]]. Configuration is stored in subversion, under [[https://dev.sihnon.net/svnpriv/configs/wireless/badger/|configs:/wireless/badger/]].
==== VMWare Server ====
Add the vmware overlay, which contains packages for vmware-server 2.x.
Then install the following packages
* {{Package|direct=yes|app-emulation/vmware-server}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|app-emulation/vmware-modules}}
Run the vmware-config script to compile the proper modules and configure the networking. Set up the network as follows:
* vmnet0
* name: public
* type: bridged
* bridged to: eth0
* vmnet1
* name: local
* type: bridged
* bridged to: br1
Install the following packages to be able to connect to pipes mapped to virtual serial ports:
* {{Package|direct=yes|socat}}
* {{Package|direct=yes|taylor-uucp}}
==== iSCSI ====
Set up badger to host targets as in [[ISCSI#Server]]. Create one LVM partition for each virtual machine, and configure ietd.conf to share each of them.
===== Hardware =====
==== lspci ====
===== Vista =====
Badger will not sleep properly under vista by default; it will always wake up within seconds of powering off.
To fix this:
* Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Computer Management
* Device Manager/Network adapters/Marvell Yukon/Properties/Advanced
* Wake from Shutdown => On
* Wake Up Capabilities => Magic Packet only