Table of Contents


Other Qt Pages

Compiling Qt under (k)ubuntu

(g)make install
sudo (g)make install

Building a minimal set of libraries only

If you only want the Qt libraries, and none of the tools or examples, you can save time by using the following command lines

./configure -no-phonon -no-webkit -no-opengl -openssl -nomake examples -nomake demos
sudo (g)make install

Compiling Qt under Windows/Visual Studio

OPENSSL_PATH = C:\build\openssl-0.9.8g
PATH += C:\build\qt-win-opensource-src-4.4.0\bin
QMAKESPEC = win32-msvc2005
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007)\Utilities\Bin\dx_setenv.cmd
cd c:\build\qt-win-opensource-src-4.4.0\
configure.exe -debug-and-release -phonon -webkit -direct3d -openssl -I C:\build\Include -L C:\build\Lib

Check the beginning of the output of configure, and ensure all selected options have been correctly enabled)


Improved Debugging output

; Qt Integration
QObject =classname=<staticMetaObject.d.stringdata,s> superclassname=<staticMetaObject.d.superdata->d.stringdata,s>
QString=<d->data,su> size=<d->size,u>
QByteArray=<d->data,s> size=<d->size,u>
QUrl =<d->encodedOriginal.d->data,s>
QUrlInfo =<d->name.d->data,su>
QPoint =x=<xp> y=<yp>
QPointF =x=<xp> y=<yp>
QRect =x1=<x1> y1=<y1> x2=<x2> y2=<y2>
QRectF =x=<xp> y=<yp> w=<w> h=<h>
QSize =width=<wd> height=<ht>
QSizeF =width=<wd> height=<ht>
QMap<*> =size=<d->size>
QVector<*> =size=<d->size>
QHash<*> =size=<d->size>
QVarLengthArray<*> =size=<s> data=<ptr>
QFont =family=<d->>data,su> size=<d->request.pointSize, f>
QDomNode =name=<impl->name.d->data,su> value=<impl->value.d->data,su>

Making a project with qmake

qmake -project -t app -o

(In the current version of qmake, the template does not always get correctly applied, it can be fixed with the template below).

  - Visual Studio 2005 template
  - Output binary name
TARGET = myproject
  - Which Qt modules to include
QT += network
  - Additional condiguration
CONFIG += warn_on thread 
CONFIG -= embed_manifest_exe 
  - Show a console with stderr output in debug mode
win32:CONFIG += console
  - Input
HEADERS += main.h
SOURCES += main.cpp

Creating the Visual Studio project files

Once the .pro file is made, and indeed every time it is changed, use the following commandline to generate the Visual Studio project files

qmake -tp vc

The project can then be opened in visual studio and compiled as ususal